

Many a family have farewelled their loved ones never knowing whether they would ever see them again. It must have been so hard to not only have little or no communication over their lifetime, nevertheless not knowing where they would be finally laid to rest.

The aim of this site is to help those looking for their ancestors and ancestral graves wherever they rest in foreign lands.

If you have photos of Irish related graves, you are welcome to send them to me for inclusion. This site is for those graves outside of Ireland, particularly isolated graves, in the hope that those researching may be able to 'find' their ancestors.

If you know of great websites that include such graves, I would be happy to link to them. My intention is not to reproduce the work of others, rather to add to it. You will see certain attributes to particular sites and photos from those sites. These are posted with permission and are those I have searched for from much larger general gravestones sites, selecting the 'Irish' graves in order to make your search easier.

There have been a number of private contributions. These all have copyright attributed. The aim of this site is to preserve as many photos and details as possible of graves that are of Irish born who now rest in foreign lands. 

 I would especially like to acknowledge the many contributions by John Mayer who has helped enormously by photographing and transcribing many of the gravestones in the USA section.

Thank you also goes to Noelene Harris who has contributed numerous photos from around NSW, particularly from Sydney.

Thank you doesn't seem enough, but I do Thank them and all others who have contributed. There are so many who have helped make this site what it is... you will see a list of contributors in the side column. All are very much appreciated whether it be for one photo or many.

If you wish to know more about these names listed alongside the photos, please let me know and I will connect you with the person who contributed them where possible, if they are private contributions of family members.

You will sometimes find more information on the Biographies Page.

You can enlarge the photos by clicking on them. 

I hope you enjoy the search. If you wish to contact me, you can do so via crissouli at gmail dot com or simply via the comments box.

Thank you for visiting,


  1. As I have created a new page for this post, I hope my readers who posted on the original Contribution Post won't mind if just reproduce their comments here..

    Martine Brennan 13 October 2014 at 16:11
    Thank you Chris for this wonderful resource. You have been nominated for a One Lovely Blog Award here


    Crissouli 13 October 2014 at 17:17
    Thank you, Martine, much appreciated... I will create an AWARDS page to share the AWARD.. see Tab above.


    Carmel 23 August 2016 at 14:35
    Hi Crissouli,. Nudgee Catholic Cemetery in Brisbane, Australia has a lot of Irish born people. Not sure what percentage identify as Irish born though. I have some photos of my family which I hope to post if I can find this again when I get home to decent internet.


    Crissouli 23 August 2016 at 14:58
    Hi Carmel,

    thank you. I'll remind you and will send you the link now. Most will be able to be checked through BDM or TROVE. I would really appreciate any you can provide.


  2. I have grave photos fir the Collins and Donohues or Donahue... Also Wollohan cemeteries are in Albany NY, Ballston Soa Ny and Glens Falls NY.. I would he glad to share them Pkease tell me how

  3. Hi Susan, I would be happy to have you share your photos... you can email me at the address in the post above, see crissouli at gmail dot com.. Please include Names with each photo, so they don't get confused with others. It would be very helpful if you are able to transcribe what is on the gravestones, as that would save me a lot of time. I'm happy to say that I am sent batches of photos daily, so anything that saves me a little time is very much appreciated.
    Please be sure to separate each lot by cemeteries, then set out as follows..
    Surname, Name
    If you have any other information on your families, I am happy to include short pieces in Biographies and cross link.
    Thank you so much for your kind offer. I look forward to hearing from you.

  4. I have Irish ancestors buried in Australia in known locations - but either no headstone, or headstones destroyed. One suicide in an unmarked grave. Are these of any interest.

    1. I'm happy to accept them and enter into Biographies, if you have proof that they are in a particular cemetery. What I have done in the past, is to list their names at the bottom of the entry for that cemetery, under Unmarked Graves. Then I crosslink with BIOGRAPHIES, with the details and name of the contributor.

  5. Holy Cross Cemetery in Lackawanna, NY, USA was known as the "Irish" Cemetery for Buffalo, NY. I have photos of my great grandfathers and mothers, and their stones state Cork, Mayo and Monaghan. I would love to share.

  6. Hi Nancy, I would be very happy to accept your photos. If you look at the comments above, and my reply to Susan, you will see what is needed.. The most important thing is that you include the cemetery, and that you have copyright to the photos or can get written permission for me to post them here.
    You can email them to me at the address in my introductory message above.
    I look forward to hearing from you.
    Thank you, Chris

  7. Hi Cris, love your work, but while looking over your cemetery records I cam across this weird date - CONROY, John
    Native of Co Cork, Ireland
    Died 289th July, 1909
    Aged 65 years

    I'm sure it's a typo, cheers..Don

  8. Thanks, Don... corrected... however for a minute there, I thought I really did find a way to get more days in the month.
    Thankfully, the search engine at the bottom of the page works well page by page, and I didn't have to search through too many to find the entry. Typos are the bane of my life, being a non typist. I'm always grateful to have someone tell me if there is an error. Glad you like the site.

  9. Hi there . I have the Death Certificate of an ancestor who is listed as being buried at Waverly cemetery on the 19 Feb 1935 . His name is John Aloysius CREAN . He was born in Clonmel Tipperary , but I cannot confirm his birth date . On the Death Certificate he's listed as being 87 years old , but then this is crossed out and had 76 years old placed there . Nor can I 100 % be assured that he is buried at Waverly - only going by what's on Certificate . He was a retired Police officer in both NSW & Western Australia .

    1. Thanks for your comment. I don't normally do research for readers, but I did do a quick look. I take it that you have called Waverley Cemetery to ask if they have his burial plot listed? Have you seen the notice of his will in the SMH dated 25 Feb 1935?
      There are a number of trees on Ancestry mentioning him, at least 19... I saw that by simply Googling. Maybe someone on there can help. You can also look through .. if you're lucky, you may find that there is a birth certificate available free through them. New records are being added all the time.
      There is also a very helpful IGP Tipperary group on Facebook. Good luck with your search.

    2. I know this post is quite a months old now, but in case the original poster is still searching:

      The Waverley Council cemetery search does indeed list John Aloysius Crean, aged 87, buried on 19 Feb 1935.

      He is in the Roman Catholic portion of the cemetery. The details you need are: W-10-RC-OR-1081.

    3. Thank you so much for that info.. as I don't have any contact details for the person who is looking for that grave, I do hope they read this addition. Thank you for taking the time to search and then contact me.

  10. Thank you for that, I appreciate your contribution. Crissouli


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