
DUNWICH CEMETERY, North Stradbroke Is., Queensland

Dunwich Cemetery is the resting place of many, including over 8,000 former inmates of the 
Dunwich Benevolent Asylum for the Destitute.

There are many sites that will give you some of the history of Dunwich Cemetery, including this one here

You can also search the records at the Queensland State Archives

Judy Webster, a well known and respected Queensland genealogist,  has a few Dunwich patients  included in the list on

You can find much more of Judy's work at

From the Qld State Archives using Tiny URL...


Dunwich Benevolent Asylum was established 13 May 1865 when inmates were first transferred to the Dunwich Quarantine Station from the Benevolent Ward attached to the Brisbane Hospital. Dunwich Benevolent Asylum continued to operate until it was officially closed on 30 Sep 1946. Inmates were gradually transferred to Eventide, Sandgate, which was officially opened on 4 Oct 1946.

The function of Dunwich Benevolent Asylum as defined by the "Benevolent Asylum Wards Act of 1861" was to provide for poor people who because of age, accident, infirmity or otherwise were unable to care for themselves.

The Officer-in-Charge, Benevolent Asylum, Dunwich, was appointed on 1 Jan 1867. From 13 May 1865 to 1 May 1867, Dunwich Benevolent Asylum was administered by the Brisbane General Hospital. From 1867 the administration of the Asylum became the direct responsibility of the Colonial Secretary's Office and subsequent agencies.

 There are several books on Dunwich Asylum and the inmates there, as well as numerous mentions in Trove and other sites. As the aim of this post is to portray the cemetery as it is today, I will show just a few of the images of yesterday, leaving you to search the rest from the sites above and your own research.

Queensland State Archives Agency ID861, Dunwich Benevolent Asylum

Women's quarters at Dunwich Benevolent Asylum, North Stradbroke Island, 1914

John Oxley Library, State Library of Queensland, 2009-02-10 copyright expired

Dunwich Benevolent Asylum, North Stradbroke Island, ca. 1935

John Oxley Library, State Library of Queensland, 2009-02-10 copyright expired

Resident of Dunwich Benevolent Asylum, Stradbroke Island, 1938

John Oxley Library, State Library of Queensland, 2009-02-10 copyright expired 


Normally, I would post these within the Queensland, outside Brisbane, page. However, thanks to the generosity of a lady called Kerry Shortis, who kindly photographed a large number of graves within this very old and important cemetery, I believe that it deserves a page of it's own.

All photographs are reproduced here with permission from the copyright owner.

Over time, there will be more photos added. May this serve as a memorial to those who have passed before us, many of whom have led such lives as we can barely come to terms with.

Rest in Peace and know that you are not forgotten.

     (c) Kerry Shortis

There is a list of interments at 
however, this is not comprehensive.

There is also a list of the names of passengers on the ill fated ship, The Emigrant, who succumbed to typhus.

Some partial photos of the Emigrant plaque... all the following photos are copyright of Kerry Shortis.

(c) Kerry Shortis

 (c) Kerry Shortis 

From a memorial wall.... while not all are Irish descendants, I felt that I couldn't leave some out when transcribing... therefore, you will some included that haven't yet been determined as to whether they have Irish links.

    (c) Kerry Shortis 

In loving memory of William McVay
Died 10th October 1923
born Kilkeel, Down, Ireland
Husband of Bridget Gibbin
At Rest


In Memory of
Thomas J. Hurley
Native of Clare, Ireland
In God's Care


In Memory of
Harriet Rabbitt
Daughter of William
born Mcintyre River
in God's Care


In memory of
Samuel Moore Munce
1817 - 1886
born Dublin, son of
Samuel and Sarah Moore


In memory of
Heinrich Bopp
22-1---1862 to 26-5-1933
who migrated from 
Aargua Swizerland
on the 26th March, 1884
                                                               Not Irish   NI

     (c) Kerry Shortis 

In Memory of

Ellen Morris

born 1820 Died 1895

from Ire, 1863

with Peter and 8 children



The following have yet to be transcribed... all are copyright of Kerry Shortis. I am most appreciative of Kerry's generosity in sharing her photos.

 These are the graves of the 26 victims of the typhus outbreak on board The Emigrant in 1850.


The following photos are copyright of Jeff O'Keefe who has kindly donated them to this site.

I will add more details as they become available.


    (c) Jeff O' Keefe

    (c) Jeff O'Keefe

Edward Devlin
b. 6th Aug 1907
County Tyrone, Ireland
along with his wife
Isabella Devlin
b. 17 Jun 1907
Glasgow, Scotland

                            (c) Jeff O'Keefe


  1. I am trying to find out some information about a Mary Weismar who is buried in the Dunwich Cemetary. She was an 'inmate' of the Benevolent Asylum' and died there in 1927. She was my mother's great grandmother, was originally known as Mary Walsh, married a Mr Burrell, who died and after him a Mr Porter, who also died. She finally married a Swiss artist called Weismar, whom it is alleged she poisoned. The result being she was sent to the asylum.

    1. Hi Shane, I don't have any further information than what I have here, for the most part. Have you looked at Trove? You can go to the site here... or you can use the Trove search box on this page. Scroll up and look near the end of the column on the Left Hand side. Trove, if you aren't familiar with it, is the digitised newspapers, periodicals, etc. on site as part of the National Library Australia's great resources.

      You will also see mention re Judy Webster, genealogist at the beginning of this Dunwich page... Judy has indexed the inmates names. You can also go to or contact the Qld State Archives... they have the original indexes. My email address is also in the L H column at the top of the page in About Me. Good luck and thank you for visiting.

    2. All Dunwich records from a certain date are closed for 100 years but I have managed to obtain them - I have Mary Weismar she entered the asylum in August of 1925 died of Senility on 29 Mar 1927. I'm sorry but the admission form has been lost but I can send you the Funeral Book entry of her death - No Cost - I do not charged any fee for my research. just email me at and I will send it to you.

  2. Hi Shane The QLD State Archives at Runcorn is full of information about the Dunwich Benevolent Society. I spent a few hours there last week searching for my Great Great Grandmother and teh staff are extremely helpful. You can find a whole page on the admission record, why admitted etc and more on exactly the date of death cemetery plots. The address for the archives in 435 Compton Road Runcorn and its really well worth the trip. Only costs $1 for a photo copy or take a USB stick and its free. Hope this helps jan

    1. Thanks, Jan, I have listed the State Archives at the beginning of this page. You're certainly right... that is he best pace to find all you need to know.

      Thank you for visiting and posting your comment.

  3. Chris, I somehow missed this post first time round. The two Gavin graves are a family I research. their descendant, Carmel, had thee stones erected in the late 1980s and I photographed them at the time to send to her. If anyone else gets on touch regarding them could you please give them my details. Thanks. Pauleen Cass

  4. Of course, Pauleen...I was sure I'd sent you copies of the photos...

  5. My great-grandfather Josiah Angove died at the Dunwich Asylum in 1909. I don't expect he has a headstone. Is it possible to locate the site of his grave and possible erect a memorial?

  6. Hi Ellen, thank you for dropping by. Dunwich comes under the care of Redland Bay Council, you can contact them via email here...
    or see further details here
    They should have a list of all graves and I can't imagine they would refuse a memorial if there isn't one.

  7. I have the collection of ALL the Dunwich Records from 1866 - 1946 so if you are seeking information on any of the Inmates whether they died in the Asylum or admitted and were discharged please email me. Many of the early records, from 1910 - 1938 were damaged in the floods but some survived. Please do not hesitate to email me with your requests.

  8. Hello Cris, I believe Carmel’s Gavin’s were related to my great grandmother who was from County Galway and her mother was a Gavin from Clifden G-G-Great Grandna was Mary Faherty ne Gavin. Younger Mary Flaherty. migrated here to Queensland when she was 16. Mary married Christopher Festus or Festus Christophers Conolly a convict from Co Galway. We believe she must have known him in Galway and followed him here. We believe they all knew each other well here in Queensland and in particular at Jimbour on the Darling Downs. Young Mary and Christopher had 5 children. Two infant sons passed away. The 3 other children were a son then 2 girls. One was my grandmother whom also named Mary aged 2 and her baby sister Bridget 6:weeks when their mother died. Christopher left the girls with a lady to raise and apparently vanished with Young Christopher..

    A friend found him for me in the records of the Dunich Benevolent Home and in an unmarked grave in the Dunich Cemetery. All markers are gone and the Redland Bay CithmCouncil don’t have any records of the cemetery that would have a map . I have been there twice and have seen the Rememberence Wall. I have been told that it is too late to have a plaque put there for him. If your don’t know it’s happening you can’t apply.

    1. Hi Maureen, I don't know if thee is anything extra in the records, but if you read John Winterbotham's comments above, you will see he has kindly allowed his email address to be included here and would be happy for you to contact him. He may juist be able to add something further.

  9. This is wonderful.. I have my 4x great grandfather who also was an inmate at the asylum and passed away in 1891
    Thomas Ladner. If anyone finds his grave, I would love a picture, id never get the chance to go and visit, I live in Adelaide..

  10. Hi, in reference to Thomas Ladner, have you looked through the plaques above? You may find him listed there. Also if you are after more information please contact John Winterbotham as he has offered to look up his extensive records free of charge, for anyone looking for more help. We are very grateful to John for this offer. His email is
    Please thank him publicly here as well as via email. Best of luck.

  11. By the way, this site generally covers only Irish born...

  12. Are there plaques for William Henry born in Tyrone, Ireland died 1915? or James Henry who was admitted in 1939 and died 17 February 1942 unable to care for himself? If not how do I arrange these?

  13. The person to contact is mentioned above.. John Winterbotham.. he has kindly offered to look up his records, free of charge. His email address is
    He might be able to help you.


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